Triodos Bank: Ethical Investing Increases

It was pleasing to see the news this morning that Triodos, the environmental & social investment bank, are doing well.

According to Third Sector, the charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprise website, Triodos Bank has increased lending & investment by 73% over the last year.

In 2008 Triodos Bank lent just over £200 million whilst in 2009 that had increased to nearly £250 million. The bank has increased future loans from an expected £30 million to around £150 million.

Triodos Bank's customer base has grown by about 15% over the last year as greater numbers of clients have sought to invest in environmental and socially-beneficial causes (not to mention ethical and sustainable investments too).

Triodos Bank's growth areas have included offshore wind projects and waste processing facilities plus organic farming and food projects. Scotland and Wales have seen the greatest increases in the amount of lending.

Personally, I've been mulling over getting an account with Triodos Bank for a number of years, but I think now is the time to get started :)